The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported that Israeli soldiers killed, Thursday, one child, and injured at least 112 Palestinians, during the ongoing protest on the al-‘Arma Mountain, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The Ministry said the child, Mohammad Abdul-Karim Hamayel, 15, was shot with an expanding bullet in the head, and he was rushed to a local hospital before succumbing to his serious wounds.

Tarif Ashour, the spokesperson of the Health Ministry, said at least thirteen Palestinians were rushed to Rafidia governmental hospital, including a child, seventeen years of age, who was shot with two rubber-coated steel bullets in his head, before he was rushed to surgery, and remains in critical condition.

Shortly afterward, the soldiers shot two Palestinians with rubber-coated steel bullets in their heads, causing hemorrhaging in the brain; one of them remains in life-threatening condition.

In addition, a journalist working for the Palestinian TV, identified as Bakr Abdul-Haq, was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet in his lead, and at least thirteen other residents were shot with similar rounds.

The total number of injuries stood at more than 112 Palestinians at the time of this report, among them, 90 were suffered the severe effects of teargas inhalation, and eighteen who were shot with rubber-coated steel bullets.

The soldiers also abducted at least three young men, after more than 40 additional military vehicles invaded the area.

The protests are still ongoing as more soldiers and fanatic illegal colonists continue to flock to the mountain and prevented many Palestinian ambulances from approaching it.

The head of the Beita Fuad Maali Village Council told Wafa reporters that scores of illegal Israeli colonists began storming the mountain last night and are still in the place, explaining that hundreds of Palestinian citizens remain stationed on the mountain to repel their invasion.

Ghassan Douglas, a Palestinian Authority official who monitors Israel’s colonialist activities, said that there have been calls by colonists to storm the mountain, in an attempt to control an archaeological historical site above its summit, and install an illegal colony after occupying the entire Palestinian Mountain.

Updated From:
Israeli Troops Fire at Palestinian Protesters Near Nablus, Wounding 17 –
Mar 11, 2020, at 12:04

February 28th protest at Jabal al-ArmaIsraeli soldiers shot and injured 17 Palestinian civilians Tuesday with live bullets and rubber-coated metal bullets, as well as firing tear gas at demonstrators who gathered at the Al-Arma Mountain south of Nablus, in the northern West Bank.

The Head of the Committee Against the Israeli Wall and Settlements, Walid Assaf, was among those injured during the demonstration, which took place near the town of Beita, south of Nablus.

Two Palestinians were hit with live bullets and both are in serious condition at Rafidia Hospital. In addition, four Palestinians wounded from rubber-coated steel bullets were also taken to Rafidia. Three others were taken to Huwwara hospital with complications resulting from tear gas inhalation.

Among those injured was a reporter for Palestine TV, Bakr Abdel-Haq.

The Ministry of Health told reporters with the Palestinian Wafa news agency that the medical teams dealt with 17 injuries during the demonstrations taking place in the area, including two with live bullets, both of which are serious injuries.

The Israeli forces prevented ambulances from reaching the area, and the soldiers assaulted the Palestine TV crew.

The head of the Beita Fuad Maali Village Council told Wafa reporters that illegal Israeli settlers began storming the mountain last night and are still in the place, explaining that hundreds of Palestinian citizens are still stationed on the mountain to repel the invasion of Israeli settlers.

He added that a large number of military jeeps stormed the mountain at dawn, and the soldiers attacked a peaceful sit-in there, by firing a barrage of live bullets, metal bullets, and sound and gas bombs towards them, which led to the casualties.

Hundreds of citizens flocked last night to the top of Mount Al-Arma, which belongs to the villagers of Beita, and held a sit-in there, following an invasion of the mountain by Israeli settlers.

Ghassan Douglas, a Palestinian Authority official who monitors Israel’s colonialist activities, said that there have been calls by settlers to storm the mountain, in an attempt to control an archaeological historical site above its summit.

It is reported that the residents of the village, and the neighboring towns and villages, responded to previous attempts by the settlers to storm the top of the mountain two weeks ago.